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Juice ProcessingOverlay E-Book Reader

Juice Processing

Quality, Safety and Value-Added Opportunities | Victor Falguera; Albert Ibarz

E-Book (PDF)
2014 Crc Press
402 Seiten
ISBN: 978-1-4665-7734-3

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€ 87,74

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The ability to provide quality juices that contain proper vitamins and nutritional components strongly depends on the processes fruits undergo during the various stages of industrial manufacturing. New technologies have been developed to help ensure the production of quality juices without neglecting safety. Covering both new approaches to traditio

Kurztext / Annotation
The ability to provide quality juices that contain proper vitamins and nutritional components strongly depends on the processes fruits undergo during the various stages of industrial manufacturing. New technologies have been developed to help ensure the production of quality juices without neglecting safety. Covering both new approaches to traditio